Sunday 14 October 2012

Does Social Media dominate your life? Are we all addicted?

How much does Social Media dominate your life?

I can tell you that it pretty much dominates my life...from when I first wake up to when I go to sleep. The way we operate has just completely changed to how we were only 10 years ago.  No longer do we have to wait for the internet to dial up and connect us, that is something of the past...

We now have the internet with us wherever we go whether you are sitting in a classroom or stopping of for a coffee in Starbucks. How many times do you check your Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest in a day? I can't tell you I lose count whenever I pick up my phone I give them a quick check just in case I am missing out on some important story...or I am one step behind in the digital world!

Who are we to blame? These guys....

 Well to a certain extent yes, you can blame them! (Some may say Steve didn't create a social network but he did design the iPhone, the iPad etc and for a lot of people this is how they access their social networks.)

You can blame these guys because they have designed some of the different social media outlets that we access but at the end of the day. It is down to us, we are the ones who take on these networks, we are the ones that grow them. You are the one that clicks, Like, follow, tweet, retweet, pin, +1 whatever network you use. If you don't like what happens on there..well there is one simple thing for you to do DON'T GO ON IT!

Now I am not saying people can do whatever they want on there...there is no room for people such as the young man who abused Tom Daley about his father or any other type of abuse but if people are using the social network in the appropriate way and you don't like it, well....TOUGH! eg: Don't follow Piers Morgan if you think he's a moron because then you won't get annoyed by what he has to say.

Now a days this how we communicate with each other, it's how we look for potential employers/employees,. Whenever we decide to throw an event or have a birthday night out it's done on one or more social media platforms. New stories are breaking on Twitter before news channels have even picked them up by the time a newspaper has been printed Twitter already had that story as a trend last night it's now something new and more exciting.

It does have it's benefits though people rally together on social media they help different causes by raising awareness or even money. I believe it is one of the most fantastic inventions around and it has been around a lot longer then most people think. Young kids think they are the first to be using social media, they weren't even around when Friends Reunited (2000),  Myspace (2003) started or when Bebo (2005) was popular. I remember being on Hi5 (2003) (  just before I joined Facebook thinking "oh god not another one how long will this one last". (How wrong was I!!)

In my eyes yes, we are addicted even if you think I am wrong well you probably saw this blog through some form of social media so I'm probably right. I'm not saying it's a bad thing my point is why fight it, it's the way the world is.Get on board sign up, explore the different platforms trust me you will enjoy it!

There are so many other social media aspects and platforms I haven't even touched on but you know the score if you haven't already join the social media revolution do it because it's already here and it's coming your way.

Let me know your thought's below are you addicted??

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